Even though I worked at Starbucks for 8 years, it took me a long time to come up with the perfect iced coffee recipe. This one has taken a lot of trial and error, but I’ve finally found my perfect iced coffee. An added plus: it’s sugar-free. I used to drink sugary coffee all the time but would crash hard a couple hours later. That sucked because I would expect to be boppin’ for hours off the caffeine, but would end up sleepier than I was in the first place. With this iced coffee, that doesn’t happen. It’s also dairy-free so for all my lactose intolerant ladies out there – you’ll love this.

As far as the process goes, it’s so easy to make! First of all, use your favorite coffee beans, grind them up, and make coffee like you normally would. I use about 1 tbsp beans for every 2 cups of water, but use your preference for strength. I brew 6 cups to fit in my giant mason jar, but it depends on how big your container is.

We’re drinking West Java from Starbucks right now, which is so yummy! My favorite coffee of all time is Caffe Verona from the bucks. It’s rich with cocoa notes and you just can’t go wrong. (Plz ignore my toes at the bottom of that photo lol)

Once you have your coffee brewed, simply put it in a mason jar (or other container) and throw it in the fridge. Once the coffee’s been refrigerated for a couple hours or overnight, it will be cold enough to be iced. In the photo below, I only had about 3 cups of coffee – which will end up being one big iced coffee.

The Recipe:
Once your coffee is cold, add ice to your cup and pour the coffee on top (filled to an inch or two from the top). Use a straw to break up the ice at the bottom. Fill up the cup most of the way with your choice of almond milk. I’ve been using this coconut/almond blend because I love the flavor of coconut in my coffee. You can just as easily use vanilla or plain almond milk. Then comes the most important part – the NUT POD. I can’t believe I’ve gone most of my life without these babies but it is the absolute best coffee creamer I’ve had. It has no added sugar or artificial sweeteners and still somehow tastes amazing. I fill up the rest of the cup with my Nut Pod and voila, the perfect iced coffee! I’ve been ordering mine in 4 packs on Amazon because it’s sold out literally everywhere else. My favorite is the Original flavor, but the Vanilla is good as well!

The final product!
Hope you guys enjoy 🙂 Be sure to keep drinking lots of water too, since coffee is a diuretic by nature. Try and alternate one glass of water for each cup of coffee. See my last post on the benefits of staying hydrated for 7 reasons why this is so important!

#CoffeeAesthetic amirite?
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[…] for new recipes to try at home, check out Erin’s blog posts (breakfast, lunch/dinner & coffee) for some super yummy […]