Hi all! This is part 2 of my Ybor series. If you missed part one, you can find it here! I love walking around the city every day on my lunch. I just got promoted to a new position, so I’ve been doing a lot of training for that. I’ve been taking in so much new information, which has been a little stressful trying to remember everything. I’ve also been dealing with a lot of new people, which as an introvert, can be overwhelming!
I am most comfortable around my close friends and family. I love meeting new people, but too much time around them can be a lot for me. It makes me want to curl up in a ball and watch 5 hours of Netflix. But I’m getting through the best I can and trying to stay positive! I know all my fellow introverts out there will feel me on this one. I love the people I work with, it can just be a lot on my social energy bar at times.
But anyway, this is an Ybor exploration post, so to the pictures!

This next chicken boi looks like he’s about to hop on a scooter and zoom around haha

One of my favorite things about walking around Ybor is seeing all the loose chickens and roosters. I’ve never been anywhere else where chickens are literally crossing the road 24/7.

They have signs up all over telling people not to feed the “city protected chickens”. They’re really special chickens and only eat the finest foods! Haha

So much color and vibrancy. Everywhere I look, there’s a different beautiful plant or flower. I want to pick them all and plant them in front of my own house! But I think that would be frowned upon… Let me know??

The most beautiful bright purple flowers!

They have a 9/11 Fallen Heroes Memorial as well, which is a beautiful tribute.

The tribute is in front of a fire station which makes it even more powerful.

Just a few more pretty flowers in front of an old church! Until I started taking photos, I didn’t notice a lot of the plants and flowers around the area. Now it’s all I see anywhere I go! I’m definitely not complaining 😉 I’m just surprised by how much I missed before I was looking for it.
PS. Here’s a great post on Ybor’s history if you’re interested in finding out more! Talk to y’all soon 🙂