At the beginning of quarantine, I was killing it with the at-home workouts. Keeping fitness at the forefront was easy. I was switching off between HIIT workouts, easy cardio (long walks), and resistance band training. I was stretching and rolling out often and my body felt great! But after over a month in quarantine, that initial excitement has worn off completely.
My Quarantine Fitness Rut
The past few weeks, I haven’t even attempted to do an at-home workout. I haven’t been prioritizing fitness at all. I feel unmotivated, lazy, and all I want to do when I get home is lay around watching Netflix. Now, I can’t even use the excuse that I don’t have time to work out, because I have PLENTY of time. Normally, squeezing in a few workouts a week is something I can easily make happen. It takes some planning to figure out a good day/time, but I always made it work. Now, my motivation is so low that I haven’t been planning it out at all. Which is causing me to not work out, AT ALL.

It’s not the body image or potential weight gain factor that I’m worried about. I haven’t been concerned with that for years, due to intuitive eating. If you’re a beginner to intuitive eating, I’d highly recommend this book. It’s written by two Registered Dietitians and explains the lifestyle beautifully. I’ll write a longer post about intuitive eating another time because I feel strongly that it’s important for everyone. But back to my workout rut…
I’m mainly concerned about my lack of motivation to work out because it’s genuinely something I love doing. I look forward to going to the gym after a long week. It’s something that helps me de-stress, release endorphins, and feel more positive and confident. It keeps me in a good mood most of the time and is a great coping mechanism when I’m stressed. I can always count on the gym to be there to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. Until now.
I didn’t even want to talk about this because I know there are much worse things going on right now. This is definitely not the worst thing to be worried about and I’m grateful to still have my healthy & my family’s health. I just wanted to write about how I’m feeling in this regard, so if anyone else out there is feeling this way, they know they’re not alone.
Why is Motivation so Hard Right Now?
With the gyms being closed and me living in a 1 bedroom apartment with no fitness equipment, motivation has been a challenge. I love strength training and incline walking on the treadmill. Right now, I don’t have access to weights or a treadmill, so those are both a no-go. I was training with resistance bands for a bit which was fun and is something I’d like to get back into. It’s not the workouts I’m doing at home that are bad, it’s just finding the motivation to do them.
My apartment is the place that I normally sleep, eat, hang out, and relax. Not the place that I work out. Obviously, with technology, I’m able to do both here. It’s just challenging to get in the right mental state to feel like this is the “place” to work out. Does that make sense to anyone or am I just rambling? It’s like, for example, how you’re not supposed to do work in bed. It’s better to sit at the table or at a desk and not mix the bedroom up in your work life. That’s how I feel working out in my living room vs. in a gym. It just doesn’t feel right.
So if anyone has any advice on how they’ve stayed motivated during quarantine, I’d love to hear it! I wish I had a positive wrap on this at the end, but I don’t. I hope this reaches at least one person who’s been feeling the same lack of motivation lately. Just know that you’re definitely not alone and this is only temporary.
Reach Out to Us 🙂
Comment below with any suggestions that have helped you out during this time. Any workouts you’ve enjoyed doing, inspirational quotes, or fitness influencers that have helped inspire you. Or, if you’re like me and have not been feeling the motivation, comment or email with your story. I’d love to hear from you either way!
PS. One positive I can think of in all this is that I’ve had time to try LOTS of new wines! Where my wine-o’s at out there!? If you guys have any recommendations for wines you’ve been loving, let ya girl know. I’m always down to try a new one.

Recently, I ordered a First Leaf box so I got 6 wines sent directly to my door. This isn’t sponsored or anything, I just wanted to let you all know. 🙂 They’re doing a great deal right now so if you want wine without having to leave your house, I’d highly recommend.
What I’m sippin’ on now:

It’s SO good! 10/10. I love dry white wines right now so this is top-notch. I’ll keep y’all posted as I try the rest of them. But this is definitely off to a great start.
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[…] been truly slackin’ on coming up with fitness and health goals lately. (You can read all about my fitness rut here). With the state the world is in right now, health and fitness have been the last thing on my mind. […]