Hey you!! Are you in need of more balance in your life??? Guess what!? I have the brand for you!! In this segment, we will breakdown part 3 of the Best and Worst Leggings of Balance Athletica, and I can’t wait to share my dirty deets on this brand. (Not really dirty lmao)
This post is not sponsored by or affiliated with Balance Athletica. Just sharing honest opinions on the brand!
Balance Athletica Background
Balance Athletica is a one of a kind brand that I truly admire and appreciate. They are a family owned and operated business. They create clothing from scratch, keeping in mind for everyone’s body type.
This company strives to make clothing that feels like your skin, and wants you to feel like your best self in your workout and every day life! I know I struggle with feeling my best self some days. Something that truly cheers me up is feeling, not only comfy, but sexy (ya, I said it) in my workout clothes.
Furthermore, their motto is as follows: “Balance means taking care of your mind, body, and spirit. When you find your balance, you find your peace.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. This brand is truly one of a kind.
Check out my other legging/gym clothing reviews:
Gymshark – Part 1 | Gymshark – Part 2 | Navigation (NVGTN) | ECHT
If you want to see even more in-depth *honest* reviews from us, check out our reviews on YouTube! We go even deeper into the details, sizing, fit, squat-proof-ness, and more on there. We’d love it if you stopped by!
What makes this brand different than all the others? I wondered that myself to be honest. After finding out the ‘why’, I wondered why the heck they are so dang expensive. What makes them worth the 70-85 bucks a piece?
In the remaining portion of this article, I am going to breakdown the details I have learned from wearing this brand!
Honestly, they are 100% worth the money if you are willing to spend the extra dough. I bought my first pair, oh, a year ago or so now. I have fallen in love with the quality of Balance Athletica’s material and fit. The leggings are this sweet and savory buttery material that I STILL am ogling over.
For my first pair, I bought The Ascend pant in a color called “Bliss.” (First photo) In relevance, it is closest to a purplish-blue. It is a gorgeous piece for your body and really accentuates your curves in all the right places.
For the second pair, I bought the Ascend pant in a color called “Sandstone,” which is close to a grey-green color (second photo). I regretfully have this one pictured, but I don’t like the way it squeezes my body. This pair is unusually tighter than the other, but I kept it because the color is just so dang bootiful.
I’m not ashamed of my body by any means, but the grey pair doesn’t seem to flatter my bod the way I want. So, I guess I am a little ashamed (I’m working on myself…mentally and physically, which in my eyes, is a step in the right direction).

Above and below are the “natural” light shots. Natural meaning man-made light (lol).

Now if you notice in the pictures above, Balance Athletica incorporates an off-color (but somehow off-colored things match?) sports bra that could be an addition to the leggings look (I’m still really shook by how they do this). They also add in tank tops, t-shirts, jackets, and other accessories that all seem to complement each other perfectly.
Paired with both of the Ascend pants are the Balance bras….honestly, they don’t have the bra name on the website anymore. So I can’t be up to my standards. But these bras are the bomb. At first, the high-rise neckline threw me off. I’m not a huge fan of things tightly pushing on my neck (I know, what a shame). But these bras accentuated my delts and shoulders so well, I made myself get used to it. And I’m glad I did.
Bonus statement: To keep the color and texture longer, I suggest lightly washing or doing a gentle cycle on cold to not agitate the material. I do this cycle for all my leggings and anything I care about. If you want to go the extra mile, you could dry clean your leggings. Hang dry for the best results.
Daaaaamn, how thicc is she?? L O L I had to. If you have seen that fat cat video on YouTube, you would completely understand.
Are these leggings thick enough to be squat proof? Why yes, yes they are. You can’t see a dang thing through these leggings. Not even if you want to show off a little some-something.
In regards to the sizing, I previously stated how the sandstone color seemed small. As a woman, I firmly believe that our body fluctuates every day due to various womanly reasons. But I also believe we regulate ourselves eventually.
Furthermore, with this company, I would suggest sizing like you normally do. I follow Aubrie Bromlow on Instagram, who is a pretty popular and well known influencer. She bases sizing off a gym photo you send to her email with your height and weight.
Basically, what I am saying is to go with what you normally wear. If you are in-between sizes, size up. I think the brand may run a bit tighter than say, Navigation. While Balance has the buttery soft material, they may just provide tighter seaming than others.
Who doesn’t love a good camel toe?!?!? Most people…including myself, do not. You have your own superpower if you like the way camel toes look on your body. I think they are highly annoying, for more than one reason. So it is safe to say I don’t typically tolerate leggings that come with those.
Furthermore, it is safe to say that these leggings do not give you the toe look. They do have a seam running right down the center, but kindly dismiss the camel from existing. Unless you are posing in a way that allows the camel to show….but that’s on you.
Well, well, well. Now we are down to the nitty-gritty. These leggings ain’t cheap guys. I have had these leggings for over a year and they both have retained their color and shape. Price-wise, they are about 75 bucks…close in price with Lululemon leggings. These are up there in price and I struggle to spend more than 60 bucks on leggings.
However, they are good quality and have met and continue to meet my expectations. Their quality is very hard to match from other brands.
This is my favorite parrrrrrrt. Who doesn’t love to accessorize their outfits?? Crazy people that’s who.
Since this brand is so dang pricey, I have stuck with buying their bras, a tank, and a sweatshirt. I love every piece with a burning passion.
The bras are all very unique with intricate patterns on the back. The tank top is conservative in the front, and hella flattering in the back. Lastly, the sweatshirt is cropped. I am OBSESSED with crop top items. I got a light grey colored shirt and it dang near matches with every pair of legging I own… HUGE win.

Yeah, they hug so hard. This is difficult for me to post because it exposes a negative side that you see in yourself. I am not ashamed, but def working on getting rid of some of the weight I gained during quarantine.

Disclaimer about my phone, she is very old. Phones should be able to keep up longer than 4 years, but alas, she is struggling. My pictures aren’t nearly as clear as they used to be. Bear with me until I can upgrade. 🙂

- Texture: buttery soft, smooth
- Color: compared to the site, accurate coloring; doesn’t fade over time
- Thickness and Elasticity: squat proof, very stretchy, not too thick
- Camel toe: nonexistent unless doing intense posing
- Sizing: true to size
- Price: very upscale, but worth the money
- Accessories: not necessary, but def make me feel better
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Enjoyed reading the post – as I am working on writing a blog post about them as well. Unfortunately, they have a lot of things to work on with the way they run their company. I have numerous pairs of their leggings, and I do really love them. However, within the last few months, the company’s values and true colors have really shown. If only they appreciated their customers as much as they do their elite leaders/athletes/and affiliates. It’s unfortunate that they have so many flaws in their customer service, responses to criticism and the way the owners handle certain situations on social media. As much as I love their leggings, my support will be limited in the future until they can start acting like a professional company. Their success came quick, and I don’t think they were really ready to keep up with it.
All in all, I agree with your reviews on the actual clothing! Their leggings are great and I wear them all the time. I just feel like all this success went to their heads.
So sorry you had such trouble with their costumer service! Sometimes we have those bad times where nothing seems to be going our way, but just look at the brighter side….their leggings and other items are fantastic.
Now that’s not to say that they should have handled your case better, in whatever ways they were wrong. But not everyone is perfect unfortunately. But I hope you have a better experience the next time you encounter a problem like this!