While most people don’t like to be referred as fat and weird, I, however, am much obliged to be even considered! *Huge fan alert* I am a whole heartedly fat and weird cookie butter fanatic.
I am prepared to divulge into the vast depths of this company and spill their deepest darkest secrets…..
Actually I’m just here to give my honest opinion, which if you can’t tell, is going to be super negative…..big joke fan over here LOL
What Drew Me to Try Fat & Weird Cookie Butter & Cookies

Instagram. One word says it all. Instagram is a huge influencer in us young chaps nowadays. How Instagram did it for me is all because of the feed/search page. This is where you go to find new pages, people, shopping items. I found @AubrieBromlow.
The feed page is one of the most dangerous places for me to be on. I tend to gravitate towards the soccer videos, cute doggos, sparkly jewelry, and of course food.
As I was scrolling through, I stumbled upon @AubrieBromlow’s Insta page where she was showing off a workout list from a day prior. The post entailed her showing us the exercises being done, and down the post she listed the workout with the sets/reps, as well as tips to help with form.
Once I completely unfolded her social media page, I found out that her and her husband created a company called Fat & Weird Cookie Co. This is where it alllllll started folks.
How it Became Fat & Weird (LOL)
Their story is pretty famous among the dedicated followers. Not gonna lie…it’s pretty incredible. So for Brad’s birthday in April 2018 (Aubrie’s husband), Aubrie asked her many followers to send Brad cookies for his birthday.
Cookies are @BradBromlow’s favorite sweet treat. Aubrie posted a request on her insta and gladly, thousands of followers obliged and sent them many different kinds of cookies from all over the world.
Happily, they tried every single cookie. I find this a tad hard to believe, but they both SWEAR they tried one of every single cookie. After The tastings, they partially derived the company.
They figured what good things and bad things they liked from cookies and formed the idea of the company in August of the same year…..truly incredible. Fat and Weird was born and ready to grow.
What is a Fat & Weird Cookie?
Fat & Weird cookies are massive, gourmet cookies that all have very unique names. Each cookie starts with an original base dough. They ensure that the dough is free standing, with no additive flavors or toppings.
Then once the free standing dough is confirmed, they add enough toppings and fillings to compliment the dough. They want to make sure the cookie still tastes like a cookie while looking like a complete snack.
I have had the pleasure of trying an assortment of their cookies. I can’t remember the exact ones I purchased with Erin, but I remember a couple of them being really good!
I’m not usually a picky cookie eater, but when I am paying a pretty penny for a food product, it better peak my taste buds’ interest on a high level. To say the least, they are highly approved by many folks. But the cookies just aren’t my favorite product by them….#sorrynotsorry….read on to find out what is!!
What are the Flavors?
In case you were wondering, they have several decent sounding flavors up for grabs! They have 11 flavors currently trending, and from the list, the most popular seem to be: The Brad, Black Beauty, The Pudge, and Picthin’ Tents.
Each is described on their website in full detail so you know what you are getting into before you purchase. Fat & Weird has a retired cookie section that is filled with 50 flavors that are past their prime.
If you are in the market for something sweet, that is sure to pack a punch of flavors, and would help support a small business….Fat & Weird Cookie Co. is the place for you!
They restock every Sunday at 8pm CST. Their stock is limited as they are very popular over Instagram. Have the website up on your phone, and when the time approaches closer, refresh refresh refresh!!
But What About the Cookie Butter??
I had to tell a very long story to get to the man review of this article. Are you surprised? Not me. I love to tell a good story.
Yes, they have protein butters, and they are actually good. I have tried other protein butters and they….were a ride….not in the good way. All I mean is they were bland and chalky, or very very healthy tasting. Which a lot of non-sissy’s like, but I am a huge sissy.
Fat and Weird’s Protein Butters are BOMB. I mean that too. I have tried three flavors so far: Big Sexy, The Pudge, and Black Beauty. All very different, yet all cookie flavored.

The big and the bad! Just kidding, it’s only a name. This protein butter is salted caramel cookie flavored. If I recall, it was mighty tasty. As you can see, I have none left to share :).
It is a very close replica of the cookie version they describe on their website! Taking the average chocolate cookie up a notch by adding a sweet caramel flavor and a dab of salt.
This flavor ranks 3rd on my top three flavors (out of three flavors hehe).

Ladies and gentlemen, in the left corner, weighing in at only 14 ounces, is…..THE PUDGE. This isn’t my favorite flavor solely for the name alone, but for the pure fact that it has reeses pieces chunks in it!

I didn’t used to like reeses anything, but as I have gotten older and my taste buds have finally matured, I love it now. This is the perfect dessert/snack for any peanut butter lover.
Grab yourself this flavor because it is ranked #1 out of my top three picks!

It took me a minute to figure out the flavor on this one. But once I did it was very masterful. This cookie butter from Fat and Weird is a combination of white chocolate chips and oreos!!
I have been eating this butter quite frequently with apples!! Mm mm good. Crispy apples with this chunky chocolate flavor is TO DIE FOR lol.

I think some people use this as a dessert after eating a good meal….I however eat it as a pre-workout snack!!
Related: 5 of the Best Pre-Workout & Post-Workout Snacks for Fitness & Strength Gains!
This flavor is my FAVORITE to put with apples. I don’t know why, but they just compliment each other ohh so nicely.
What this whole article comes down to is that you just need to hop on the Fat & Weird train. They are a group of awesome people trying to make you into a dessert-loving friend.
So please, go over and check out their Instagrams and explore the flavors and TRY THEM. I promise you will love everything they are!!
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Comment Below With:
1. What are 3 flavors of cookies you want to try?
2. What are some qualities you look for in your cookies?
3. How do you incorporate sweets into your diet?
4. Do you have a favorite cookie butter brand?
I’m very intrigued!
I would probably try the big sexy, the pudge, and black beauty.
I need a gluten-free cookie that’s crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.
But I’m honestly not a sweets person – I’d sooner take a big block of cheese or bag of chips LOL.
They’re all so good, you would love them! Oooh I wish they had a gluten-free cookie too, that would be awesome.