I like to think I’m typically pretty good about drinking enough water, but I don’t actually track my water intake on the reg. Based on the times in the past I have tracked it, I know I’m not getting 3 liters of water a day. So I wanted to try out a 30-day challenge to drink 3 L of water every single day, just to see what happens!

My 30-Day *3 Liters of Water a Day* Challenge
I started things off by downloading a water tracking app on my phone. (I used Water Reminder for iPhone). There are a bunch of different options, but I liked that this app allowed you to track different beverages besides water!
Since I’m a big coffee drinker, I loved that you could track your coffee intake as well. It only counted as 80% of what a glass of water counts as, but it still adds up if you drink a lot of joe!
P.S. If you’re looking for a delish iced coffee recipe, check out my recipes below!
Related: My Everyday Iced Coffee & Iced Latte recipes
I wanted to track my water intake every day and explain how I felt on a day-to-day basis. That way, I can hold myself accountable and you guys can see the day-to-day results of this challenge!
P.S. Check out our gallon of water/day challenge here. 👇🏼
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which I may earn a small commission from (with no extra cost to you). Thank you for your support!
How Much Water Should You Drink in a Day?
We wrote a whole post on the 7 reasons that drinking enough water is important. If you’re interested, you can check that out here!
To sum it up, everyone’s daily water intake needs are different. It depends on factors like your weight, activity level, gender, how hot it is where you live, etc.
In general, you should aim to drink between 0.5 oz and 1 oz for every pound of body weight. So if you weight 140 lbs, you should be drinking between 70-140 fl oz of water every day (source).
But like I said, everyone’s individual needs are different and your goal should be to feel good! If the internet says you should be drinking 80 fl oz of water a day, but you feel great drinking 100, do you booboo!
Listen to your body and realize that what you read on the internet is not always what’s best for you.
I would recommend trying out different amounts and tracking how you’re feeling. By trying a challenge like this, you can track how you feel day-by-day drinking a certain amount of water.
Trying out different amounts, and seeing how they make you feel, is going to be a much better indicator of what works for you than anything you read online.
Day-by-Day Recap: One Month of 3 Liters of Water a Day
I went in every single day and tracked how I was feeling during this challenge. It wasn’t always easy to remember to do, but I wanted to make sure I was sharing honest, in the moment, results. So here’s what a month of 3 liters of water a day looks like!
I kept track of my daily intake in oz instead of liters because it was easier to track on the app. So for reference, 101.4 fl oz = 3 liters. So I was aiming for 102 fl oz (or more) every day!
Days 1-5:
Day 1:
I’m peeing like crazy. I normally pee a lot, but this is unreal. It’s every hour or multiple times an hour.
But on the bright side, I feel great! I’m feeling more energized and alert than normal and haven’t been dragging in the afternoon.
Total amount: 108 fl oz

Day 2:
Still peeing a ton. I’m getting used to it though and just expecting to have to get up and pee every hour.
Other than the excessive bathroom runs, I’m feeling really good! I have a lot of energy again and better focus than normal. It feels like both mental and physical tasks are both a bit easier.
Last night, I had to get up and pee about 3 times, which sucks… But other than that, I slept really well and woke up feeling good! Which is a big deal for me because I’ve struggled with insomnia off & on, most of my life.
Total amount: 118 fl oz
Day 3:
I’m feeling less bloated overall (even though it’s around that time of the month). So that’s definitely a plus!
I’m not worried about bloating because of how it looks at all, but feeling like you can’t button your pants sucks. Or sitting with them constricting your body all day and feeling too tight… It’s just not a good feeling!
Related: Check out Mary’s article on dealing with bloating, IBS, and other digestive issues
Total amount: 110 fl oz
Day 4:
So, I didn’t realize that wine counted as -160% (!!!) water on my tracking app. So for every glass of wine I drink, I have to chug about 10 more fl oz of water…

That being said, last night I was well above my 102 fl oz for the day & feeling good. Then I had a couple glasses of wine and was knocked back down to 92 fl oz!
I had to chug a glass of water and Liquid IV to get back above that 102 mark. But the good news is I felt great going to bed and woke up without a headache or hangover. Yay!
Total amount: 108 fl oz
Day 5:
I didn’t track my water intake over the weekend and was feeling more sluggish all weekend. I’m skipping those days on here, since I didn’t do the challenge.
Monday (today) I started tracking again and am feeling back to my energized self again! I have way more energy to workout and just get through the day without feeling tired by 3 p.m.
Total amount: 118 fl oz
Days 6-10:
Day 6:
I only slept about 4 hours last night (for no good reason, just couldn’t fall asleep until 2:30 a.m.). Normally, I would wake up feeling dead tired and go about the day like a zombie. But somehow, this time, I woke up feeling energized and ready to take on the day.
I thought, “this will probably pass mid-morning and I’ll go back to feeling like my zombie self.” But it didn’t pass and I felt energized and focused all day. It was crazy!
I’ve struggled with insomnia off & on for years. The not sleeping part sucks, but the worst part of it is feeling like death the entire next day. I normally don’t want to do anything besides lay in bed all day, so I spend the whole day at work unfocused & unproductive.
But this time (I’m assuming it has a lot to do with the increased water intake) I felt like my normal energized self! I went about the day like I would on a normal 8-hour sleep day.
Not saying that this is entirely due to the increased water because honestly, I don’t know that for sure. But it sure feels like it at least had an impact on my energy levels and productivity!
Total amount: 108 fl oz
Day 7:
Barely made it to 3 L today, because I had wine with dinner and that really brings down the water intake! (According to this app that counts wine as negative 160% water).
I chugged water in the evening though and made it to 102 fl oz no problem. I’m still feeling good every day I make it to 3 L. It’s really brought up my overall energy levels and I can truly feel the difference.
Total amount: 102 fl oz
Day 8:
I was visiting family and didn’t track my water intake today. I’m almost positive I didn’t hit 3 L though.
I wasn’t focusing much on my water intake or how I was feeling, because I was focusing on spending time with friends and family. I did notice that I was feeling a little more tired and sluggish though. I didn’t feel like I had as much energy during the day as I have throughout this challenge.
I will get back on the water wagon after today!
Total amount: unknown
Day 9:
I went a little overboard on the water today and definitely made up for the lack yesterday. It feels like my body is getting used to drinking this amount daily and it comes naturally now.
I’m also not feeling like I’m peeing every 2 seconds anymore. So, either my bladder is adjusting to the increased water intake or I’m just not noticing that I’m peeing 24/7 anymore. 😂 Either way, I’m fine with it!
Total amount: 117 fl oz
Day 10:
Feeling great! I have had so much energy, even on days when I haven’t gotten enough sleep.
I’m trying to become more of a morning person, but it still isn’t coming naturally to me. So there are days when I’m only getting 5-6 hours of sleep because I can’t fall asleep early enough.
Related: Read about how to easily become a morning person here!
The increased water intake is definitely helping with my energy, no doubt. Because that’s the only thing I’ve really changed recently.
Total amount: 114 fl oz
Days 11-15:
Day 11:
Still living my best life with all this water. I honestly had no idea how much better drinking more water would make me feel.
Which seems silly because everyone in the nutrition community is always saying we should drink more water. But since I have always been conscious of my water intake and felt like I was drinking enough, I never really cared to try increasing it.
I’m so glad I started this challenge and would highly recommend it to anyone!
Total amount: 121 fl oz
Day 12:
Feeling great. My workouts feel better and I have overall more energy throughout the day. I’m not craving snacks as much as I normally do. (I’m still eating snacks throughout the day, just not every 1.5 hours anymore. ;))
I also have yet to be hungover throughout this challenge, which is a big win for me! I’m not a big drinker by any means and will normally only have a drink or two. But for whatever reason, I still seem to get hungover every time I drink.
I thought it had something to do with the thyroid medicine I take (and I still believe it does, because that can really impact your alcohol tolerance). But now that I’ve been making sure to get enough water, and even more so when I drink, I haven’t had to worry about a single hangover. I’m so happy!
*Fingers crossed this perk sticks around*
Total amount: 110 fl oz
Day 13:
We just closed on our new apartment (yay!) and celebrated with mojitos! I would normally be hungover the next day from drinking any hard liquor, but not this time. I only slept about 5-6 hours and still am feeling fresh & rejuvenated today.
I made sure to drink 16 oz water first thing after I woke up because that typically gets my body feeling alive. & of course, coffee! (More specifically, my iced honey vanilla latte, YUM.)
Total amount: 114 fl oz
Day 14:
It’s been helping to use a liter water bottle to track how much water I’m drinking. I’ve been using this water bottle I bought off Amazon years ago and it’s still going strong!
It’s insulated, which I love. I’m not the type of person who enjoys drinking lukewarm water (or any warm beverages for that matter). I’m an icy cold drink girl all the way.
This water bottle keeps my water cold all day! I have the 32 fl oz one, which isn’t exactly a liter (33.8 fl oz) but it’s close enough. 🙂 It comes in a bunch of cute colors, so there’s something for everyone.
Total amount: 107 fl oz
Day 15:
I haven’t slept well the past couple of days, but still had a good amount of energy during the day. I normally feel like a zombie after nights of little sleep, so this is a nice change.
I’m doing a new challenge to try to become more of a “morning person” in the upcoming weeks. So this will definitely help on days that I’m not getting a good 7-8 hours. (Which I’m sure will be often because switching up my sleep schedule always messes with me).
Fingers crossed that the 3 liters of water a day helps to keep my energy levels steady!
Total amount: 109 fl oz
Days 16-20:
Day 16:
Still feeling good! I’ve noticed fewer random cravings and less bloating throughout this process as well. Maybe those go hand in hand, but I think the bloating has more to do with water intake.
I normally have a lot of bloating around that time of the month, and I really haven’t experienced hardly any this month. It’s definitely a nice change being able to fit into all my clothes (comfortably) throughout the month!
Total amount: 105 fl oz
Day 17:
Like I started to bring up yesterday, my cravings have decreased a bit. I still crave some type of sweets (*chocolate*) every day, but it feels like less often. I also haven’t been having as many sugar cravings from lack of sleep, because of my boosted energy levels.
I’m not trying to lose weight or cut out any type of food, so this is just an interesting observation for me! I practice intuitive eating, so I eat whatever my body is craving when I’m craving it. It’s just been interesting that it doesn’t feel like I’m craving as many “less healthy” foods.
Related: What is Intuitive Eating & How Does it Help You Get to Your Healthiest Weight?
For people who are on diets or trying to lose weight in other ways… Adding more water into your day might be the best tip to accomplish that! It feels like it’s helping in more ways than I had expected.
Total amount: 109 fl oz
Day 18:
I worked out hard, so I was chugging the water all day. We went to our weekly (LOL weak sauce) gym session and spent an hour there.
*Our apartment gym is only open during office hours for sign-ups, due to COVID. So since I work 9-5 Monday-Friday, the only day I’m able to sign up is Saturdays.*
But to be honest (TMI) the next morning I was having some serious digestive issues. So the increased water intake isn’t a cure-all for eating a bad diet. We treated ourselves and ate out a few times over the weekend, so I was eating a lot of foods I don’t eat on the reg.
Within the next month, I’m doing a gluten-free for 30 days challenge to see if it helps my digestion. I’ve been having a lot of digestive issues after eating certain foods (usually involving breads, beer, breading, etc.). So I figured I’d try this out and see if it helps!
Over the weekend, I wasn’t as worried about fitting in a lot of fruits & veggies (or other high fiber foods). So it took a toll on my digestion the next day. Nutrition, combined with WATER, combined with staying active is the best combo to be all-around healthy!
Total amount: 121 fl oz
Day 19:
I didn’t track my water intake on the app today. It’s harder to stick to over the weekends when my schedule’s all over the place.
Monday-Friday, I stick to a pretty consistent schedule with work, so it’s easy to add water tracking in there.
I felt like I was slackin’ on my water intake the first half of this day. I was feeling pretty low-energy, so I made sure to pick it up in the afternoon. I chugged a glass of water and downed a few La Croix, and was back to feeling like my normal chipper self again. 😉
Like I said, I’m unsure of the exact amount of water I drank today. But it felt similar to the 3 liters of water a day goal I’ve been trying to hit. I think it’s becoming the new norm for my body.
Total amount: unknown
Day 20:
Feeling really good! I’m about to embark on a couple of other challenges, so I’m glad I started with this one to get my body in *peak condition*. Just kidding, but seriously I am feeling healthier/more energized overall… Which I’ll need for these future challenges!
I actually started one of them over the weekend: walking 5 miles every day. I’ve been feeling great doing it so far and am glad I upped the water intake, to make sure I’m staying hydrated. Especially living in Florida, the hot/humid days can really take it out of ya.
Even once this challenge is done, I’m going to keep up with the 3 liters of water a day. I may even try another challenge later on to go higher, who knows? 😉
Total amount: 117 fl oz
Days 21-25:
Day 21:
I haven’t had this much energy throughout the day for years. Seriously, this is changing my life for the better. And it’s a really easy change to make.
Sure, I’m running to the bathroom more often and have to remember to bring my water bottle around… But those are the only real negatives I can think of. And they’re honestly not that bad at all!
Well worth the benefits of having more energy, focus, and feeling better all day, everyday.
Total amount: 110 fl oz
Day 22:
It’s starting to somewhat cool off in Tampa (the Real Feel isn’t 108+ anymore). So it hasn’t been as intuitive to be chugging water constantly, but it’s still pretty easy to keep up.
It’s still hot here, 90+ most days, so I still obviously need to be drinking a lot of water. Also, on days I work out or am outdoors a lot, the amount of water I’m drinking typically increases.
Even though I’m doing the 3 liters of water a day challenge, I know that adjustments still need to be made based on temperature, how much I’m moving, and other factors. I’m trying my best to be intuitive about how much water I’m drinking, while still completing the challenge every day.
Total amount: 116 fl oz
Day 23:
I went way over my 3-liter goal today (honestly, I don’t have an explanation for why – I was just thirsty!). I wasn’t even thinking about how much I was drinking, but just kept throwing back glasses of water and cans of La Croix. (I know, I’m sounding like an excessive drinker now, right? 😉)
Total amount: 129 fl oz
Day 24:
Another BIG WATER day! Again, not sure why I’ve been so thirsty all of a sudden, but I think this water increase is coming more naturally to me.
It feels normal to be chugging water all day and I’m feeling so good doing it! I also used to get the hiccups 24/7 when I would chug water and haven’t been having that problem anymore.
I’m not sure if my body’s just getting used to more water intake or if I’m becoming better at not chugging it in a way to cause hiccups. Lmao. Either way, I’m happy about it!
Total amount: 129 fl oz
Day 25:
We moved to a new apartment over the weekend, so I was incredibly busy with packing, moving, & grooving! 😉 So also, I didn’t have a chance to track my water. I’m positive that I was over my 3 liters of water a day goal though.
Related: Read all about our move to Ybor City (Tampa) here!
We were constantly moving & lifting heavy furniture, etc., all day, in the Florida heat. So I was sweating like crazy and chugging water every chance I got. It’s becoming pretty easy to hit my water intake goal each day anyway, especially on days I’m outside/sweating a lot.
Total amount: unknown
Days 26-30
Day 26:
I’m back to tracking and easily hit my goal again today. It’s second nature to me at this point to be drinking 3 liters and I might start a harder challenge next month. 🙂
I also noticed that I haven’t been hungover the past few times I drank. I’ve had a couple glasses of wine the past few nights and felt great the next day.
I’ve talked about it before, but that’s a huge step up for me. I had been getting hungover from drinking half a glass of wine. And my hangovers were BAD. Like laying in bed all day with a migraine, bad.
So I’m not sure if I’m completely healed due to my increased water intake (fingers crossed!). But I know I’m feeling way better already. I’m not a doctor, but I’m 99% sure it has something to do with staying more hydrated. 😉
Total amount: 110 fl oz
Day 27:
I feel like I’m getting annoyingly repetitive with these daily descriptions because I’m just talking about how good I’m feeling every. dang. day.
I am embarrassed to say that with my B.S. in Dietetics and years of learning about nutrition… I didn’t think to really increase my water intake.
I’ve always been the type of person to have a water bottle at my side 24/7, so I thought I was in the clear. Regardless of how much of that water I was actually drinking, I felt like I was doing enough for my body.
Turns out, upping my water game and actually tracking how much I’m drinking has done wonders for my body. I’m so glad I did this challenge and will absolutely be trying a “harder” one next month!
Total amount: 104 fl oz
Day 28:
Nearing the end of the challenge, I’m so glad I chose to do this one. There are so many different health & fitness challenges I can do, some probably more exciting than drinking more water… But this one was so rewarding.
I haven’t felt lethargic this whole 30 days. I have a lot more energy throughout the day. I’ve had more energy/motivation for my workouts and getting outside in general.
Overall, this has just been beneficial with no real negatives.
Total amount: 116 fl oz
Day 29:
My skin has felt less dry throughout this challenge. That may be partially due to the summer heat & humidity, but who knows? It feels and looks healthy & glowing.
I didn’t go into this challenge with any real expectations appearance-wise, so it’s just the cherry on top!
Total amount: 104 fl oz
Day 30:
LAST DAY, BEST DAY! Jk, it’s been a pretty average day. I’m still feeling great and super energized throughout.
I don’t feel like I need *12 cups of coffee* anymore to get through the day. Still definitely drinking 2-3, but I don’t feel tired an hour after!
The 12 cups of coffee thing is an exaggeration, but I really do drink a lot of coffee. Feeling a boost of energy by actually staying hydrated is definitely better for my health though. 🙂
Total amount: 110 fl oz
My Overall Experience Drinking 3 Liters of Water a Day
Overall, this has been one of the best things I could do for my health. My energy is way better and more steady throughout the day. I’m not crashing as much anymore when 3 p.m. rolls around.
I have more energy and motivation to crush my workouts. (Or just to go on long walks in the heat).
The Florida heat gets pretty spicy at times and I still haven’t fully adjusted. There were times a few months ago where we would go on walks and I would genuinely feel lightheaded 20 minutes in. It would take a lot not to feel like I was going to pass out.
Obviously, that’s partially an adjustment to the much hotter summers in Tampa vs. Illinois. But it also wasn’t helping that I wasn’t staying hydrated enough for my energy expenditure, sweat level, and outdoor heat.
Since doing this challenge, that hasn’t been an issue at all anymore.
My key takeaway is that staying properly hydrated is incredibly important. And if you’re anything like me, you may think that you’re drinking enough water every day, but you’re probably not. I went for years thinking I was drinking enough but didn’t realize that I’d feel 10x better if I added an extra liter/day.
Going forward, I’m definitely going to keep drinking 3 liters of water a day. I probably will even start a new challenge to drink 3.5 or 4 liters, just to see if that feels even better.
Comment below with:
- What’s your favorite drink to stay hydrated besides water?
- Is it hot where you live?
- What’s your biggest struggle when it comes to staying hydrated & drinking enough water? Do you think it’s realistic for you to drink 3 liters of water a day?
LOVE this! What a difference it’s made for you. I need to get on it ASAP. Water is pretty much exclusively my drink of choice (aside from tea and wine). But I just always forget to drink it. And I definitely don’t bump up my water intake after a glass of wine which is also now on the to do list. App being downloaded now. Thanks for the insightful info as always ladies xoxo.
It really has made a huge difference! Drinking more water has been a game-changer. I’m sure you will feel that way too once you start using the app! The easiest way for me to up my water intake is to always have a glass/jug with me. That way, I have no excuse for not drinking it. You’ll have to let me know what results you see after a couple weeks! 🙂