Goal setting and staying productive are incredibly important to me. I know if I want to move forward towards my goals, I need to create habits that will push me in the right direction. But some productivity systems can be overwhelming and leave you stressed out, wanting to quit after the first week. That’s why I decided to create this simple and realistic system, which includes 3 elements: a goal planner, a habit tracker, and a section for self-care. Because we all know how important self-care is when it comes to accomplishing your goals and not getting burnt out along the way.

Monthly Productivity System (Habit Tracker + Goal Planner)
I wanted to make a monthly productivity system that was pretty & fun to look at (to motivate myself, and hopefully you, to actually fill it out every month). 😂 So I made it floral and colorful to give myself a little extra boost of inspiration when that time comes to fill it out.

Click here to get your free printable monthly productivity system (including the habit tracker, goal planner & self-care bingo) delivered straight to your inbox!
Below, I’m going to dive into detail about each section of the productivity system. I truly believe they all go hand in hand if you want to accomplish your goals. So to start things off, let’s get into the weekly and monthly goals section.
Step 1: Set Monthly & Weekly Goals
I’m a firm believer in setting realistic goals for yourself, but it’s also important to dream big. It took me a long time to figure out how to do both and not just stray towards one extreme or the other. But once I figured it out, I knew I needed to share it.
We all have big goals and it’s so important to have a vision of how you want your life to be. This points us in the right direction and keeps us focused on the end goal. However, if that’s all you’re focused on, it’s easy to feel disappointed along the way when you’re not immediately hitting those big goals.
For the first section of my productivity system, you’re going to divide your goals into 3 categories: weekly, monthly, and “big” goals.
The big goals are really just your end goals. Then, you’ll take those and figure out what you can do this month to move forward towards your end goals.
Then, you’ll break it down even further into what you can do every week to move towards your monthly goal.
This allows you to focus your energy on moving towards your end goals in smaller and more realistic doses. You’ll feel accomplished by the end of each week because you know you’re taking small steps towards your big goals.
- Start Here: Write out 2-3 big goals you have in life. For example, one of my goals is to grow our YouTube channel to 1000 subscribers and join the partner program by the end of 2021.
- Next Step: Set a realistic goal that you can accomplish in the next month that moves you towards your big goal. My monthly goal was to post 4 high-quality, engaging videos in our niche.
- Final Step: Break your monthly goal down into weekly goals. I broke down my goal by planning to record, edit, and schedule one YouTube video each week.
Then, move on to the next step to figure out the daily habits that will keep you on track with these goals.

Step 2: Daily Habit Tracker
There are 30 columns in the daily habit tracker and 4-5 rows (the very top row on the outside edge of the circle is for the days in the month). You can choose 3-4 habits to track daily for the upcoming month.
*For months with 31 days, just draw on another column at the end. Or give yourself a day off.* 😉
Choose realistic habits that you want to accomplish every day for the next month. It’s okay if you don’t achieve each habit every day… We’re all a work in progress. But from my experience, tracking your habits and seeing the colorful bubbles fill up throughout the month feels amazing either way. A little dopamine spike every time you accomplish your daily habits.
A few examples of daily habits I’ve chosen before include:
- eat 4-5 servings of fruits/veggies
- exercise for 30 minutes (even if it’s just be a walk or stretching)
- drink 2+ liters of water
- cut out drinking alcohol
- work on Vitality Vixens for 1 hour
If you’re having trouble coming up with daily habits to track, look back at your goals from Step 1. What daily habits will help you move forward towards accomplishing these bigger goals?

Step 3: Can’t Forget About Self Care
In previous goal-setting systems I’ve created, I left out one seriously important element: self-care.
I’m prone to getting burnt out easily from overworking myself and not leaving time in my schedule to have fun and relax. I’ll end up working super hard for a week or two and then spending an entire weekend on the couch binging Netflix because I’m too exhausted to do anything else.
So this time around, I decided no more burnout. I’m going to make sure that I schedule out time in my days/weeks for self-care.
Anyone who’s prone to overworking knows it’s not always easy to actually follow through with self-care. Even when you carve out time in your schedule for it (yeah, I would literally schedule “self-care” time blocks in my Google calendar… I’m that person)… It can be easy to push it aside or think “I’ll do it another day.”
So I decided to make it fun! I’ve been seeing these Self Care Bingo games on other planners and tracking systems and thought it was a brilliant idea. So I decided to create one of my own.
You can easily switch things out that aren’t relevant to you or that you know you’ll never do. Just replace them with things that you love to do for self-care. I tried to make it as generic as possible (for the most part) so it can appeal to people other than me.
You play self-care bingo like regular bingo. Every time you do one of the self-care “tasks” throughout the month, you cross off that heart. Then once you get 5 in a row, you have bingo! Try to get bingo at least once throughout the month. If you get more than one bingo, amazing!
Click here to get your free monthly productivity system (including the habit tracker, goal planner & self-care bingo)

Final Thoughts
I hope this habit tracker & productivity system helps you to accomplish your goals in the coming months. I will be using it alongside you, so be sure to tag us on Instagram (@vitalityvixens) if you end up using it! We love to see you guys setting and crushing your goals.
Comment below with:
- What’s one big goal you want to accomplish in the next year?
- Do you have daily habits that you always try to stick to?
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