Heyyy VV fam! We decided to start a monthly series where we share our plans for the month ahead. I’ll be sharing my goals for February, as well as a (loose) weekly workout schedule. If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’m not into diets or strict fitness plans. I’m much more drawn to intuitive eating, loose workout schedules, and going with the flow when it comes to my health and fitness. So this February workout plan is tentative and easily changeable week to week (depending on how I’m feeling) and my goals may adapt throughout the month too. Let’s get into it with my goals first!

February 2022 Health & Fitness Goals
I kicked off this year with a big New Year RESET, where I shared some health and fitness goals I had for this year. Check that out here if you’re interested.
I’ll be incorporating those goals into my monthly plans, so that blog shares a basis on what I want to accomplish this year.
My 3 main February goals include:
- Plan my meals & workout schedule (loosely) around my cycle (cycle syncing article here)
- Cook dinner at home 5x/week
- Workout 5 days/week
The main goal I want to work on this year when it comes to my health is to eat/exercise in tune with my monthly cycle. I’ve brought this up a few times on the blog, but it’s made a massive difference in how I feel (every time I actually stick with it.)
It takes some planning because you have to check which phase of your cycle you’re in each week and work around that.
My fiance and I typically get Every Plate boxes (or another meal kit) for 4 of our dinners each week, so I really have to plan ahead when it comes to those. The meals are locked in a couple of weeks ahead of time, so I need to make sure I’m choosing meals for the correlating phase.
Cycle syncing also influenced my February workout plan, as you’ll see in the section below.

My February Workout Plan
As mentioned, I’m going to try my darndest to schedule my workouts around my cycle. I feel 100x better when I do this and don’t end up feeling exhausted the week before my period.
I’m not going to try to plan these out day by day (Sun-Sat), because I know that things will change week by week. I’m just going to have a list of 5 workouts for each week and check them off as I go.
This is what my February workout plan will look like:
Week 1 (luteal phase)
- Easy Run* (or Treadmill Walk)
- Easy Run* (or Treadmill Walk)
- Leg Day
- Upper Body Strength
- Yoga
week 2 (luteal/menstrual phase)
- Run/Walk (depending on my energy levels)
- Yoga
- Run/Walk (depending on my energy levels)
- Light Full Body Strength
- Flexibility/Mobility
week 3 (follicular/ovulation)
*I normally have more energy during this week, so adding on a 6th workout if I’m feeling it!
- Tempo Run*
- Interval Run*
- Run*
- Upper Body
- Leg Day
- Flexibility/Mobility
week 4 (ovulation/luteal)
- Interval Run*
- Run*
- Leg Day
- Upper Body
- Flexibility/Mobility
* = I’m going on a lot of runs because I’m trying to improve my running this year. If you’re not a runner, you can replace these with whatever cardio you enjoy.
You can change this workout plan up to better fit with your lifestyle (or cycle, if you’re trying to incorporate cycle syncing too.)
Side note: It feels slightly weird typing out a week-by-week description of which phase of my cycle I’m in for the world to see… But honestly, it’s worth it, because of how much cycle syncing has improved my life. I just want others to know how to do it (if you’re interested.)
If you’re not interested in that, just ignore the phase parts and incorporate lighter workouts when you’re feeling lower energy, and more intense workouts when you’re up for it!
That’s All Folks!
As I said, we’ll be trying to post one of these workout plan/goals blogs every month this year. So if there’s anything you’d like to see added in future posts, let us know in the comments!
If you want to join in on any of these goals, or the February workout plan, drop a 🙌 in the comments, or feel free to DM us on Instagram. We’d love to make this a VV community thing, so the more the merrier!
Until next time – TTYL.