It’s been a while since I’ve done a recap post, but I wanted to get back into the weekly recap blogs. I think they’re so fun and I always enjoy reading other bloggers’ posts like this.
I got away from writing them because 1. They’re a lot of work! Remembering to take photos of everything you do is a challenge for me. 2. I stopped posting them because I felt like people don’t actually read blogs like this anymore. That’s what Instagram and YouTube are for, right?
Honestly, though, I know that’s not the case because I still read these types of blogs. So if I’m out here reading these, there must be other people doing the same, right?! No, just me? Okay.

Getting Back Into the Weekly Recap Blog
Jeremy was out of town visiting his brother in AZ this weekend, so I had the weekend to myself. At first, I thought I needed to make a bunch of plans to avoid feeling lonely, but then I realized I really just wanted to chill, get stuff done, and not do anything social.
I honestly love having days or weekends to myself. I sometimes feel bad/guilty for wanting time to myself and not seeing people. But the older I get, I realize it’s completely normal and necessary.
You don’t have to be surrounded by people 24/7 to live a good life or to be happy. Especially if you’re more on the introverted side like me, taking “me time” is essential.
This weekend centered me and gave me time to think, journal, listen to podcasts, take nature walks, watch terrible TV shows, and get a ton of work on VV done.
I think it’s important to find a balance in life. It’s completely normal to have both social days and not-so-social days.

This week was sunny and HOT for February (even for Tampa). I wanted to get out and enjoy the warm weather and soak up some sunshine.
I went on a walk at the Brandon Trailway near where we used to live. I don’t get out here much because it’s a bit of a drive, but it’s one of my favorite little walking paths.

This was the perfect opportunity to break in my new(ish) camera for some photos. I got a Canon G7X Mark III last year (to record YouTube videos) but rarely use it for photography.
If I’m out and about, I always have my phone on me, so I typically just snap iPhone photos. But I figured I bought this camera so I should probably use it more!
👇 Peep me barely being able to keep my eyes open because of how sunny it was. This was the best picture I got!

I was one of the only people on the trail (probably because of the heat…) It was calming, but I didn’t last long in the humidity either. I was sweating after about 5 minutes into the walk.

The trees in Florida are so pretty because they go back and forth between palm trees and cedar/oak trees. I feel like a grandma with how happy I am just taking walks in nature. It’s honestly one of my favorite things to do lately.
I’d love to find more “real” hiking trails to try out, so if anyone has suggestions let me know. I typically go back and forth between a few parks around here, but would like to switch it up.
After the trail walk, I had to try out the sugar cookie from Crumbl.
I’ve had their chocolate chip before but this was my first time trying this one. I’ve only heard people rave about it so I’ve been dying to try it for myself.

It was even better than I expected! It tastes like those iced sugar cookies you can get at the grocery store but on crack. So ~crumbly~ and sweet and melt in your mouth amazing. The frosting is to die for.
Anywho, that’s all I’ve got for this weekly recap! I’m making it a goal in March to take a photo with my camera every day. So hopefully I’ll have more of these up (with photos besides trees and cookies) very soon.
Check out my other recap blogs here, if you want 💛
Let’s be friends 👇
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