One of the main big(ish) purchases I’ve been wanting to make for the past couple of years is a walking pad. Working an office job means a lot of time spent sitting/standing around, which is something I don’t love to do. Getting daily exercise and steps in are really important to me, so a walking pad was an investment that made a lot of sense. In this Urevo walking pad review, I’ll be sharing all of my honest and unfiltered thoughts on this walking pad. So you can have these insights before buying, and decide whether or not it’s worth your hard earned money.

Urevo Walking Pad Review
Before purchasing the Urevo walking pad, I did a LOT of research. I had never bought a walking pad before and wanted to get as much value as possible for my money.
There’s a lot of debate online on whether or not to buy one of the pricier walking pads vs. a more budget-friendly option.
Since it was my first walking pad and I had no idea how much I’d actually use it, I didn’t want to drop a thousand dollars on it.
However, I also didn’t want to get a cheaply made walking pad that would break down after a month of use.
So I decided to find middle ground with a walking pad somewhere in the $200-$300 range.
That being said, I had a lot of burning questions before buying my first walking pad. Some of them I could find answers to in Amazon reviews, blog posts, Reddit, etc. But some of them went unanswered.
I typed up all of my main questions here before ever buying this Urevo walking pad.

Why I ultimately chose the Urevo over other budget-friendly options:
- it has an adjustable incline
- shock absorbers
- overall good reviews
Questions I’ll be answering:
- How long will this walking pad hold up over time? Months? Years?
- How is the incline? Similar to a full-size treadmill?
- Is it easy to work on a computer while walking?
- Do you actually end up using it regularly?
- Can you store it easily in an office?
- Does it have any funny smell out of the box or any “burning” smell when using?
- Does the belt stay in place or start moving off to the side with use?
- Is it worth the money? Would I prefer to have a more expensive walking pad?
So, dear reader, I can answer all of these questions for you before you decide whether or not to purchase the Urevo walking pad. (After spending a good amount of time using the walking pad, of course.)
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor and the advice in this article should not be used in place of medical advice from a doctor. A walking pad should not be used if you have a medical condition that prohibits you from using one. Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program.
1. How long will the Urevo walking pad hold up over time?
One of my main questions when researching walking pads was how long it will last. I want to get my money’s worth if I’m spending a couple hundred bucks.
If I bought a walking pad and it stopped working (or started having issues) after a few months, I’d be very disappointed.
For the price point of the Urevo walking pad, I’d expect it to last at least a couple of years without having any major issues.
I’m planning on walking around 2 miles/weekday on this walking pad, which equates to around 10 miles/week, or ~40 miles/month.
*I’ll update this blog as time goes on to let you know how it holds up through the years. (Check the Updates section for more detailed updates.)

Week 5 update: After 5 weeks of using this walking pad every week day, it’s holding up great. (As I would expect it to after a little over a month of use. It would be really disappointing if it already had issues at this point.) The only upkeep I’ve done so far is to oil the belt once (as recommended before first time use) and adjust the belt a few times.
2. How is the incline? Similar to a full-size treadmill?
The incline on the Urevo walking pad has options from 1-6.
On my treadmill at home, I can go up to a 12 incline, but honestly wouldn’t want to do that on the walking pad since it doesn’t have an auto stop feature like my treadmill does.
1-6 is a great incline range in my opinion for a walking pad. I normally only want a slight incline so I’ll use setting 1 or 2.
3. Is it easy to work on a computer while walking?
It is easier than I expected to work while walking on the walking pad. I can type, use the mouse, and do anything I could do while standing/sitting.
I will say, it’s ever so slightly harder to use the mouse while walking, because you’re moving around while trying to control it. But this hasn’t caused any issues with my work, it just takes a split second longer to move the mouse where I want it to go.
While walking and working, I generally end up forgetting I’m walking and am focusing on other things. This is great because it allows me to get steps in without even noticing I’m doing it.

4. Do you actually end up using it regularly? Does it make it a lot easier to get in your daily step goal?
Last year, for my first few months working at my 9-5 office job, I was really struggling to get in 5K steps a day. Even more so in the winter because I don’t get out on as many walks. If I didn’t go out of my way to go on a walk through Target, or walk the dog before work, I would generally only get ~2K steps at work on its own.
So, how many steps am I getting after purchasing the walking pad?
After using it for 5 weeks straight, I can tell you I’m meeting my 8K/day step goal every. single. day.
Oftentimes, I’ll end up going over 10K steps/day.
Here is a comparison of my daily steps the week before buying the walking pad (a fairly good week where I was walking the dog every morning and going on a few runs) compared to my average daily steps since using it every weekday:

As for if I use it regulary… YES. I use the walking pad every week day at work. I look forward to it as it’s my daily dose of movement after a lot of sitting and standing at my desk.
5. Can you store it easily in an office?
According to Amazon, the walking pad dimensions are 48.6″ x 20″ x 6.06″ and it weighs 57 pounds. On the Amazon listing, it mentions being easy to store without taking up much space.
This is important to me because I will be keeping it in my office at work and don’t have a ton of extra space for storage. I also want to be able to move it around easily and am not planning on keeping it under my desk 24/7. My plan is to store it behind my desk and pull it out every day when I want to use it.
Day 1 set-up update: Carrying the box itself is pretty heavy and I had my husband carry it from the car into my office for me. However, once it’s unboxed and set up, it’s light enough for me to move around on my own. It also has wheels in the front, so it’s very easy to move around the office.
I was planning on storing the walking pad horizontally propped up against the wall. But after reading through the user manual, this isn’t recommended.

Since I have enough room behind my desk to store the walking pad flat on the ground, I’m going to store it that way. But if you have a smaller area for storage, this could be difficult to not prop it up against the wall somewhere.
The user manual doesn’t indicate what (if anything) will go wrong if you prop up the walking pad on a wall to store it. But since it says not to store it propped up vertically or horizontally, I’m going to avoid it.
Where I keep the walking pad in my office (when not in use):

6. Does it have any funny smell out of the box or any “burning” smell when using?
Based on people’s reviews of other cheaper walking pads, I was somewhat concerned about this. I didn’t specifically see any reviews on the Urevo walking pad about this, so I was hopeful it wouldn’t be an issue.
Upon unboxing the walking pad and setting it up in my office, it didn’t have any smell at all. So all good on that front!
Update: After a 5 weeks of use, it has no burning smell or funny smell at all. I’ll come back to this section and update if I notice anything down the road, but this doesn’t seem to be an issue.
7. Does the belt stay in place or start moving off to the side with use?
The belt stays in place overall while walking. It moves slightly side to side with your steps but not enough to cause any sort of negative impact, it’s just moving because you’re walking on it.
When I loosened the belt to lubricate the treadmill for the first time, it ended up being slightly off-center. This is normal and was just because I didn’t evenly loosen/tighten the belt on both sides.
I googled how to fix this, and for some reason, the instructions on google AI were the exact opposite of what the manual says to do. So I was tightening the wrong side of the belt and making it worse.
After noticing this and pulling out the actual Urevo manual, I was able to easily fix the belt and get it re-centered. This only took a minute or two once I read the manual and knew how to do it properly.
I’ll keep an eye out in the future to see if the belt stays in place overall or if I have to keep adjusting it. If I have any issues, I’ll update this section. So far, it doesn’t seem to be an issue at all (besides, like I said, when you manually adjust the belt to lubricate it. Which ends up being an easy fix.)
8. Is the Urevo walking pad worth the money? Would I prefer to have a more expensive walking pad?
In my opinion, the Urevo walking pad is 100% worth the money. I’ve gotten use out of it every single workday and it makes it 10x easier to get your steps in throughout the day, especially during the colder months.
While I think a more expensive walking pad could be worth it for some people, in my case, there’s absolutely no need. The Urevo walking pad works great and has the features I want out of a walking pad (adjustable incline and shock absorbers to reduce impact on your joints).
I personally would not have wanted to buy a cheaper option with lower ratings. After reading the reviews, most of them had issues that I would not want to deal with. However, if you find a cheaper walking pad, with all the features you want (with good reviews), I’d say go for it!
I’ll, of course, update this section down the road if I have any issues with this walking pad. But based on my experience so far, I would absolutely recommend this walking pad if you want to increase your daily steps while at your desk.
*I’ll update this post throughout the months to share any opinion changes or issues I experience. (Check the Updates section below for more detailed updates.)
Overall benefits I noticed from using a walking pad:
- Easily increased my daily steps from around 5-6K to 8-10K steps/day
- Sleeping better at night from the increased walking
- Keeping my energy up at work (especially in the afternoon, no more afternoon slump)
- Getting my 30+ minutes of daily exercise in during work hours
- Improved mental health and reduced stress
Urevo Walking Pad Review: In Conclusion
I hope this review answered all your burning questions, and helped you decide whether ot not to purchase the Urevo walking pad. If you have any other questions I didn’t cover, be sure to drop them in the comments!
Comments will only be open for a month after a post goes live now. Unfortunately, I had to disable fully open comments due to a ton of spam comments coming in. But you can always send me an email if comments are closed and you want to get in contact. 🙂
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Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We earn a small commission if you purchase an item through our links (at no extra cost to you). Thank you for your support!
November 2024 – early January 2025: Researching which walking pad to purchase.
1/10/2025: Finally ordered the Urevo walking pad (with incline). It will be delivered 1/19. (There was an option for quicker delivery on a Tuesday, but I decided to go with a Saturday deliver to make sure I’m home.)
1/20/2025: Got the walking pad set up in my office. Carrying the box itself is pretty heavy and I had to have my husband carry it to the car and into my office for me. However, once it’s unboxed and set up, it’s light enough for me to move on my own. It also has wheels so it’s very easy to move around the office.
1/20/2025 continued: Walked for about an hour total today at 1.6 mph. Starting very slow to get used to walking while working on the computer. The walking pad is running smoothly and it feels great to get steps in at work!
1/22/2025 (Week 1): I’ve been using the walking pad for the past 3 days, walking around 2 miles/day. I LOVE it so far! It’s so easy to get my steps in during work, which during the winter months, is especially important (since I can’t go on outdoor walks as easily.) I bumped up my speed to between 1.8-2.2 mph and it’s really easy to get these walks in throughout the work day. I’ve been doing two 30 minute walks each day.
1/29/2025 (Week 2): I’m on week 2 of using the walking pad. I can’t say enough good things about this walking pad so far. It’s made getting my steps in so much easier and I feel amazing throughout the day. I haven’t had any issues with the walking pad besides needing to adjust the belt to the right or left, which is very easy (takes about 15 seconds.)
2/20/2025 (Week 5): After 5 weeks of using the walking pad, I’m still absolutely loving it. It’s honestly changed my day-to-day life in a really positive way. I look forward to my daily walks and feel great about getting my daily steps in during work hours. Seeing the 8K+ steps completed every day on my Pedometer app gives me such a feeling of accomplishment. Throughout the workday, I’m feeling more energized and like my mental health is improved overall.
This post is so beyond helpful! You have so many answers to questions I didn’t even consider when purchasing a walking pad. Can’t wait to try this one!