If you’ve been around for a while, you know Mary & I are obsessed with Paragon Fitwear. We’ve done a few reviews of their clothes before and are always so impressed with the quality and comfort level. That being said,…
good! snacks Vegan Protein Bars Review
I’ve tried out quite a few protein bars in my day, and have been especially interested in finding a good vegan protein bar. Whey protein doesn’t sit well with me, so finding vegan options is essential. The only problem is…
Liquid IV Review 2023 | Best & Worst Flavors
Hiyaaa! It’s time for an updated Liquid IV review. I’ve been drinking Liquid I.V. for years now and wrote my first review back in 2020. I figured: it’s been 3 years now, I’ve tried a BUNCH of new flavors, so…
10 tips to sleep better (& beat insomnia for good)
For as long as I can remember, I’ve dealt with insomnia. Being a “morning person” has been my goal for 10+ years, but it’s something that (no matter how hard I tried) I just couldn’t make happen. 3am racing thoughts,…
Honest Cuts Review
Hi guys! Welcome back to the blog. 🙂 Time for another honest & unsponsored review! I’ve been wanting to review this brand for a while. After seeing these t-shirts pop up in seemingly every YouTuber’s videos, I was curious if…
Free People Movement Review
I’ve been wanting to try out Free People’s activewear line ever since it launched. They have some really cute pieces and I needed to see if they were actually functional, as well as aesthetic! In this Free People Movement review,…